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时间:2023-12-05 19:32:18  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


利兹大学(University of Leeds),是一所位于英国利兹的公立综合研究型大学,是世界百强名校、英国红砖大学。




CAMIE Postdoctoral Research Fellows

University of Leeds

Job Description

The EPSRC Programme Grant Combining Advanced Materials for Interface Engineering (CAMIE) is a collaboration between the University of Leeds (UoL), Imperial College London (ICL) and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB).

CAMIE aims to develop new ways to store, manipulate and transport information, based on our unique approach to materials integration and interface control. Using the integrated Royce Deposition System, fundamentally different materials can be brought together into single hybrid structures to realise new emergent functionality useful for enhanced device performance. By controlling interfaces at the atomic level, we will seek phenomena that have the potential to reduce energy loss in novel structures: for example, using surface states of topological insulators (TIs) should reduce the current densities required to move chiral spin structures; molecular interfaces can enhance the effective spin-orbit coupling increasing charge-spin conversion efficiency; switching ferroelectrics that are coupled to spin statics and dynamics involves lower loss than switching ferromagnets. A complete understanding of such hybrid structures will pave the way to exploitable technologies likely to define the future of information processing and storage.

We expect postdoctoral Research Fellows to work together as a team because the research strands are interconnected. The work will involve growth of materials, cleanroom fabrication, characterisation by a wide range of techniques, transport measurements and each postdoc will be involved in a number of the research strands. Appointments will be made on a 3-year basis with the potential to extend depending on programme requirements. There is one theoretical and five experimental positions. Informal enquiries about particular positions can be made to the named person, general enquiries about CAMIE can be made to the PI Bryan Hickey - B.J.Hickey@leeds.ac.uk.

The positions available across the CAMIE project are listed below.

Further details on the positions based at Leeds can be found in the Candidate Brief. To apply, please submit a supporting statement outlining how you meet the essential and desirable criteria of the role(s) you are interested in.

To apply for the positions at ICL and QUB, please click on the job links below and apply through their website.

1. Research Fellow in Simulation and Theory of Magnetic Materials, this post will start in June 2024.

Contact: Dr Joseph Barker, J.Barker@leeds.ac.uk

Based at University of Leeds

2. Research Fellow in BiFeO3 Magnetic Heterostructures including Tuning Exchange Bias

Contact: Dr Thomas Moore, T.A.Moore@leeds.ac.uk and Prof Andrew Bell, A.J.Bell@leeds.ac.uk

Based at University of Leeds

3. Research Fellow in Giant Spin-Orbit Torques using Topological Materials

Contact: Prof Christopher Marrows, C.H.Marrows@leeds.ac.uk

Based at University of Leeds

4. Research Fellow in the Moiré Effect in Lateral Superlattices, this post will start in May 2024.

Contact: Dr Satoshi Sasaki, S.Sasaki@leeds.ac.uk

Based at University of Leeds

5. Research Fellow in Spin Currents and Ferroelectric Coupling

Contact: Prof Marty Gregg, M.Gregg@qub.ac.uk

Based at Queen’s University Belfast

6. Research Associate in 4D-STEM and Advanced Advanced Characterisation of Hybrid Interfaces and Molecular Thin Films

Contact: Prof Sandrine Heutz, S.Heutz@imperial.ac.uk and Dr Shelly Conroy, M.Conroy@imperial.ac.uk

Based at Imperial College London

Location: Leeds - Main Campus

Faculty/Service: Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences

School/Institute: School of Physics & Astronomy

Category: Research

Grade: Grade 7

Salary: £37,099 to £44,263 p.a.

Working Time: 37.5 hours per week

Post Type: Full Time

Contract Type: Fixed Term (3 years - to complete specific time limited work)

Release Date: Wednesday 29 November 2023

Closing Date: Sunday 07 January 2024

Interview Date: To be confirmed

Reference: EPSPA1095


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