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时间:2021-10-13 10:35:34  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)

Job Description

Applicants should have:

1. A PhD degree in related fields;

2. Able to use English as working language and write research papers;

3. Solid background in scientific research and high-quality paper publication record;

4. Experience in transformation and industrialization of research results;

5. Able to communicate and cooperate with colleagues in different fields, and abide by academic ethics

6. Applicants with excellent experience in the following fields are preferred: Bioinformatics, computational chemistry and biology, molecular simulation, molecular dynamics, drug development, metagenomics and microbiome, intelligent biomedical technologies, biological database design and software development, network biology, data mining in multi-Omics science, shallow and deep learning.

Salary and Benefits

Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure

Applicants should prepare a curriculum vitae, representative papers in recent years and the contact information of three referees (Affiliation, position and email).

Resume should contain the following information:

1. Research areas and research interests;

2. Personal information, including age, family status, educational background, work experience, awards and other related information;

3. Published papers. Please indicate whether the applicant is the first author or corresponding author. Information about the impact factor of the related journals and the citations of the papersWeb of Science) also needs to be provided. If the paper is selected by Essential Science Indicators (ESI) as highly cited Papers or hot papers, please indicate.

Please send a full curriculum vitae and the completed Application Form (please download the blank form online) together with names of three referees by email to warshel@cuhk.edu.cn.

Review of applications/nominations will begin immediately and will continue until the post is filled.





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