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时间:2021-06-29 08:46:18  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)

Faculty positions in Biochemistry at SUSTechMedical School


Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)


Shenzhen, China


The School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) (https://med.sustech.edu.cn/index.html?lang=zh-cn ) seeks outstanding applicants for full-time tenure-track/tenured faculty positions in all ranks, including Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Chair Professor. In our newly established Department of Biochemistry, we welcome exceptional candidates in any areas of biology including protein design, structural biology, protein misfolding diseases, translational biology, proteomics, cancer, chromatin biology, protein trafficking and metabolism. We offer excellent research resources in many areas with state of art core facilities, including cryo-EMs. The successful candidate should have a record of outstanding research creativity and productivity, and is expected to establish an innovative, cutting-edge research program.


Since its inception in 2010, SUSTech has quickly risen to a top 10 university in mainland China. Located in Shenzhen, arguably the most dynamic and vibrant city in China, our university is at the forefront of the drive towards the excellence in education and science. We have unique advantages, including but certainly not limited to: 1) a new university with innovative spirits and little traditional barriers; 2) bilingual education with lectures conducted in English and/or Mandarin, attracting top global talents; 3) an internationally competitive startup package that allows many PIs quickly build a team with dedicated researchers; 4) a highly collaborated environment with strong administrative and scientific support.


SUSTech Medical School offers equal opportunity and welcomes applicants of all ethnic backgrounds who can contribute to the excellence and diversity of our academic community. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree, demonstrated research excellence, and strong teaching ability. Candidates with clinical background and a translational focus are encourage to apply. A globally competitive start-up package will be provided to successful candidates. Salary and rank will commensurate with qualifications and experience. All applicants should submit the following documents to raoh@sustech.edu.cn  (1) Curriculum Vitae, (2) a Statement of Research and Teaching Interests.





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