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时间:2023-05-06 17:13:26  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


休斯敦大学(University of Houston),简称UH,属于研究型大学。该校学科涵盖以下领域:自然科学、经济、法律、工程学、管理学、环境、建筑、教育、旅游、农林、艺术、体育、新闻传播、信息科学、医学、语言等。休斯敦大学是美国得克萨斯州休斯敦的公立大学,位于休斯敦市中心东南区。在1927年3月7日创立,拥有近44000名学生,是得克萨斯州的第三大学府。卡内基学术基金会将UH评为“具有最高研究活动的博士学位授予机构"。2020年QS美国大学排名中排名第87位。

休斯敦大学位于全美的第4大城休斯敦(Houston),位于得州(Texas)的东南部。休斯敦大学在地理位置上与休斯敦市中心相去不远,在学校的官方网站的一句(“UH is minutes to downtown Huston”)看似一句玩笑话,却也道尽了UH在美国和得州发展史上的重要使命。简单的说,休斯敦大学的学生必须在他们就学时就要学着去接触多民族文化所带来的冲击。休斯敦大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为种族最多元化的大学之一。

UH的学生平均在他们2年级时就会有他们的第一份实习工作(Internship),而根据官方网站的资料:UH的学生将近8成在毕业后的3个月能够在休斯敦找到工作,而其中有7成的学生在任职后薪水会高于国家标准(national average)。

Post Doctoral Fellow

University of Houston College of Pharmacy

Job Description - Post Doctoral Fellow (STA012194)

Job Description

Post Doctoral Fellow - (STA012194)

Organization: H0112 Physics


Possesses, understands, and applies a comprehensive knowledge in area of specialization. Develops understanding and skills to allow for completion of assignments that cross fields of specialization. Develops leadership and management skills.

Receives/Reviews progress and evaluates results of experiments or projects under control or supervisory responsibility.

Recommends changes in research, testing or experimental procedures.

May be responsible for a single highly technical and complex piece of research equipment.

May review and evaluate the effectiveness of personnel.

May plan for and assign personnel to projects under control.

Operates with latitude for unreviewed action.

May receive general supervision conferring with higher levels only in unusual situations.

Performs other job-related duties as required.



Doctoral and No experience

Requires singular knowledge of a specialized advanced professional discipline or the highest level of general business knowledge, normally acquired through attainment of a directly job-related terminal degree or equivalent formal training in a recognized field of specialization that is directly related to the type of work being performed.No experience is required.

Salary: 3,223.00 - 4,834.00

Required Attachments by Candidate: Resume, Cover Letter/Letter of Application, Research Statement

Employee Status: Regular/Benefits

Job Posting: Apr 8, 2023, 4:11:45 AM


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