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时间:2023-05-06 17:13:23  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


牛津大学(University of Oxford;勋衔:Oxon或Oxf),简称“牛津”(Oxford),位于英国牛津,是一所公立研究型大学,采用传统学院制。是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为“金三角名校”和“G5”之一,全球大学校长论坛成员。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的最早的授课时间为1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英国王室的大力支持而快速发展。


Postdoctoral Researcher in Intestinal Immune Responses

University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Researcher in Intestinal Immune Responses

The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford OX3 7FY, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences.

We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to join Professor Powrie's Mucosal Immunology Group at the Kennedy Institute, to work within the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences at the University of Oxford. Professor Powrie is the Director of the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology. You will join a dynamic and successful group studying immune regulation in the intestine and how this breaks down in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer.

The aim of the project is to investigate how specific genetic mutations can lead to changes in the interactions between immune cell subsets and bacterial species within the intestine, and how specificities in both immune cells and microbes may change in different subsets in health and disease. The project will utilise in vivo and in vitro models of epithelial barrier function to investigate innate and adaptive cellular mechanisms and their crosstalk with the epithelium.

You will be responsible for the development of the research project and plan new studies with other team members and test hypotheses and analyse scientific data from a variety of sources, reviewing and refining working hypotheses as appropriate. You will maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all findings, and to make these available to other members of the team as well as actively participate in meetings at group, institute, and departmental level. You will attend relevant conferences, workshops or training courses where necessary. and supervise junior members of the lab.

You must hold a PhD degree (or near completion) or equivalent in Immunology or related subject and have experience of and proven research skills in cellular and molecular immunology, including flow cytometry. Sufficient specialist knowledge in intestinal immunology to work within established research programmes and Extensive experience working with innate and adaptive immune cell populations is essential. You must have a keen interest in learning and developing new techniques and have the ability to work well alone or as part of a team, and to work effectively under pressure. Practical experience in bioinformatic analysis and bacterial culturing, including anaerobic culture is desirable.

This is a fixed-term, full time position for 3 years.

Due to the nature of the research at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, this job will require additional security pre-employment checks:

• A satisfactory basic Disclosure and Barring Service check

• University security screening (eg identity checks)

The closing date for this position is 12 noon on Thursday 4 May 2023. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.

Contact Person : Lucy Hilsdon Vacancy ID : 164825 Contact Phone : Closing Date & Time : 04-May-2023 12:00 Pay Scale : STANDARD GRADE 7 Contact Email : hr@ndorms.ox.ac.uk Salary (£) : 35308 43155


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