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时间:2022-11-29 18:44:20  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


苏黎世大学(德文:Universität Zürich;英文:University of Zurich;简称UZH)坐落于瑞士联邦苏黎世。该校成立于1833年,经过180多年的洗礼,如今已成为瑞士规模最大的综合性大学,欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。

Postdoc Position in Motivation and Adult Development

University of Zurich

Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood

Postdoc Position in Motivation and Adult Development

75 %

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher in the area of motivation and adult development to join the Life-Management Lab (headed by Alexandra M. Freund), in the Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich (Switzerland).

Research in the lab primarily involves the investigation of the development of motivational processes in adulthood using a multi-method approach spanning experimental, behavioral, physiological, and self-report methods (click here for more information on our research).

Your responsibilities

The postdoc would work with Prof. Freund on one of the following topics on the development of prosociality across adulthood and in different cultural contexts.

Your profile

The candidate should hold a Ph.D. in psychology and have extensive research experience in the field of motivation and adult development, very good methodological and statistical skills, publication experience in peer-reviewed journals, and a willingness and ability to work in a team.

International applications are strongly encouraged. Basic knowledge of German is helpful, but not required.

What we offer

The appointment is for two years (with the possibility of a renewal), starting as soon as possible. The annual salary is based on the Swiss public pay scale.

Place of work

PsychologischesInstitut der Universität Zürich, Universität Zürich-Nord, Binzmühlestrasse, Zürich, Switzerland

Start of employment

The position is available as of now and can be started at the earliest possible date.

To apply, submit a cover letter (about 2 pages) describing your interest in and potential approach to investigating prosociality across adulthood and in different cultural context, as well as your general career goals, together with your curriculum vitae, and reprints of two of your articles in one pdf file to freund@psychologie.uzh.ch. In addition, two letters of recommendation should be emailed directly by the letter writers to the same address. The search is open until the position is filled.

Please contact Prof. Freund if you require more information about the position.


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