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时间:2022-11-29 18:44:23  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


维也纳大学(德文:Universität Wien;英文:University of Vienna)由鲁道夫四世成立于1365年,坐落于奥地利共和国首都维也纳,是奥地利第一所大学及最高学府,也是德语世界最古老的大学、多瑙河地区的学术中心,产生了21位诺贝尔奖得主。


Postdoc Position In Social And Economic Psychology At The University Of Vienna

European Association of Social Psychology

Postdoc position in Social and Economic Psychology at the University of Vienna

The Social and Economic Psychology group (head: Robert Böhm) at the University of Vienna is hiring a Postdoc (4 years). The group's research focus is on judgments and decision making in social interactions, with the main goal to understand and promote prosocial behavior in response to societal challenges. Current application areas are (intergroup) conflict and violence, climate change, infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and human-technology interaction. The group's methodological toolkit includes behavioral experiments (lab, survey, and field), surveys, Virtual Reality, as well as Social Data Science.

Job posting with further details: https: // univis.univie.ac.at/ausschreibungstellensuche/flow/bewausschreibung- flow?flowExecutionKey=c3A1DBCCB-A4A7-872E-8069-A06ACA252D32kAB301E16-8BDD-5CCA-942E-15CAE6571152&tid=93417.28 Deadline for applications is November 24, 2022. Please share with potentially interested candidates.


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