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时间:2022-11-23 20:54:21  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


林肯大学(University of Lincoln),简称“UoL”,是英国一所公立综合性研究型大学,创办于1861年,后与多所大学合并更名为林肯大学。


Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Plant-Soil Interactions

University of Lincoln

Job description

For the agricultural sector to meet Net Zero targets, there is an urgent need to explore management practices that may enhance soil quality whilst still producing an economically viable crop. Potatoes are a key staple crop grown in UK systems, however the nature of the crop is often associated with high fertiliser input and intensively cultivated systems, with subsequent impacts on soil quality.

The Innovate UK funded project, Tuber Net Zero, aims to explore novel ways agronomic and soil management could improve soil quality under potato systems. Within this project, the University of Lincoln will look at the response of a soils capacity to sequester carbon, enhance biological activity and reduce agricultural inputs for the crop.

We seek an individual who is highly motivated to research the impacts of alternative potato management practices (e.g. reduced fertiliser, mycorrhizal inoculation, reduced cultivation) on soil biological, chemical and physical properties. This project is part of a consortium associated with several industrial partners.

We require a person that has experience with and can demonstrate strength and skills in:

1) Greenhouse and fieldwork, with soils or in agriculture including the management of large experiments or trials;

2) Laboratory analysis of soils for biological and physical parameters;

3) Data Analysis, interpretation and presentation;

4) Engagement with academic and industry partners.

Ideally the candidate will have experience with soil science, plant-soil interactions, agricultural sciences or a related discipline. The successful candidate will have a proven track record in leading the generation and publication of quality peer-reviewed published manuscripts and the dissemination of research at both specialist science conferences as well at events aimed at the general non-specialist public.


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