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时间:2022-05-12 09:40:01  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)



We are looking for multiple postdoctoral research fellows, visiting students, and researchers who are highly motivated, well-organized, and dynamic with high levels of independence and creative thinking to join the Shu Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School (https://www.jianshulab.org/). Our research focuses on 1) developing and optimizing experimental and computational approaches to decode complex systems in time and space at single-cell resolution by integrating genomic, epigenomic, spatial, and imaging data, along with CRISPR perturbations and lineage tracing; 2) applying these single-cell toolboxes to decode and engineer multi-cellular systems.

Dr. Jian Shu was a Helen Hay Whitney Fellow working at the intersection of single-cell genomics and stem cell biology in Dr. Eric Lander’s lab at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch’s lab at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT. Dr. Jian Shu joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in late 2020. Dr. Jian Shu is also an Associate Member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.


1. Ph.D. with a topic in one of the following areas or related: stem cell biology, cancer biology, immunology, genomics, computational biology, computer science.

2. Experience in one of the following topics is preferred but not required: single-cell multi-omics (e.g., scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq, CROP-seq, spatial transcriptomics, MERFISH, STARMAP, SeqFISH, CYTOF), imaging data analysis, machine learning.

3. High intrinsic motivation and strong scientific curiosity.

4. Team player that can work in a multidisciplinary team.

5. Proactive, flexible, and has a problem-solving attitude.


Massachusetts General Hospital is home to the largest hospital-based research enterprise in the U.S. As the oldest and largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, Mass General has been a leader in bridging innovative science with highly advanced clinical care for more than 200 years.


Please send a cover letter describing training and research experience, along with CV, to Dr. Jian Shu directly at jian.shu[at]mgh.harvard.edu


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